Business & Cororate Services

Planning Actually Matters


Anytime two or more people work together a partnership is formed.  Partnerships offer tremendous opportunity, but come with great risk.  Be sure to have a good partnership agreement in place before starting any endeavor.

Limited Liability Company

A hybrid entity that combines the good parts of a partnership with the best parts of a corporation.  With a good operating agreement, you can enjoy liability protection and advantageous tax treatment.


A Corporation has the most formal requirements of any entity, and enjoys a strong liability shield when operated correctly.  Good bylaws and record keeping ensure long term success.  Choose between a C Corp or S Corp for tax treatment.


A strong logo or other designs are a valuable commodity to any growing business.  We can help ensure that you have the right to your design before you spend the money marketing your business, and get you national protection to ensure others cannot steal your ideas.


To succeed requires leadership, planning, innovation, and a great contract.  Ensure that your business is protected in its dealing with the public and other parties.  We offer contract drafting and review services.

Non Compete / Solicitation

You have a great idea and the best employees to execute your vision.  Ensure that those ideas and personnel assets cannot be stolen with a strong agreement.  We can maximize the time you can protect employees from poaching, and unwanted competition from popping up.

Disclaimer: The information in this web site is not intended to constitute legal advice or to create an attorney-client relationship.  The information, documents, or forms provided herein are intended for general information purposes only and must not be relied upon as legal advice.  As laws regularly change, the information found on this site may not be current or accurate.  You are strongly encouraged to seek out your own legal counsel in order to ensure that your rights are protected and your legal obligations met.